Friday, January 2, 2009


After reading about great last minute New Year's Eve party ideas over at Modern Renaissance, I realized that my friend and favorite blogger loves Poinsettias too!!! (She just may not fully know it yet!) Poinsettias have a very interesting history and even a link to our lovely South Carolina plantations!!! Joel Roberts Poinsett (1779-1851) was named the first US Ambassador to Mexico and as a result discovered the plant in Southern Mexico in 1828. Poinsett was enchanted with the brilliant red blooms and sent many plants back to his Greenville, South Carolina plantation. There in his SC hothouses he began propagating the plants and sending them to friends and botanical gardens! Even though Poinsett had a remarkable career as a US Congressman and ambassador he will most be remembered for introducing the "poinsettia" to the US! Let's toast to Congressman Poinsett with a fitting tribute!


  • 1/2 ounce of Grand Marnier or triple sec

  • 3 ounces of chilled cranberry juice

  • chilled Champagne

Pour the Grand Marnier and cranberry juice into a Champagne flute and top with champagne!

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